Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

10 Resolutions for 2015 ● January 2015

We all say it as soon as the clock hits 00:00.. So pumped and motivated for new beginnings, but that excitement fades after a day or two and January blues slowly takeover our minds. Well at least that's exactly what happens to me every year. And that's why I believe that January is THE WORST month for new resolutions (and just the worst month in general), but I still try to come up with a few every year.

Last year I promised to start blogging and youtubing again and I actually did it! I was horribly irregular but I'm proud that at least I started it. So this year I've decided to come up with 10 new resolutions and actually commit to them. We'll see if that's possible...

My Resolutions for 2015:

1. To be as consistent with my content on YouTube as possible. And by saying this I mean that I'll try my hardest to upload every week. I'll try, but if something happens and I'm unable to do that I might skip a week but not more!

2. To blog 1-2 times a week. Blogging is a lot easier than filming videos because it doesn't require an empty apartment for me to do it. So no excuses for this one!

3. To be be more daring. Just in general. I often feel like I'm stuck in a never ending routine and that can get quite depressing. So from now on I'll try to be more daring with my make up, fashion and life choices.

4. To finally loose weight. I'm so insecure with my body because I'm not curvy, I'm just chubby. And every year I promise myself this, but something always happens and I quit... So I'll try it again and fingers crossed that I'll actually do it.

5. To experiment with make up. It's kind of similar to 3rd resolution, but what I mean by experimenting is creating new looks for you guys. Not necessarily neutral and suitable for everyday, but fun and inspiring.

6.To do everything I possibly can to spend my summer in London. I'm quite a reserved person when it comes to big goals like this because I don't want to jinx it. My friend and I came up with this one few days ago, so it's quite fresh, but I've already decided to commit and do it. Life is too short and I refuse to waste it!

7. To be independent. I'll be turning 20 this March so I believe it's time for me to slowly transition from a teenager into an independent person and start taking care of myself. So job hunt begins and hopefully by the end of the year I can say that I can fully support myself without my parents help.

8. To sleep less. Because I have sleeping issues and often can't sleep during the night, I've developed this stupid habit of sleeping during the day. It all started few years ago with short naps, but recently it turned into 3-6 hour "naps" and it completely messed up my sleeping cycle. So no more napping unless I haven't slept for days!

9. To stop procrastinating. I'm the biggest procrastinator ever! Trust me.. So I think it's time to end it and just face my responsibilities and grow up.

10. To have THE BEST YEAR (yet). With all these resolutions and goals, 2015 should be "my year". And it will if I can keep them up and stay motivated!

So these are my goals and resolutions for new year. Hopefully I've inspired you to create some as well. And if you already have, you can always share in the comments down below!

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