New name?! Goodbye messy social media!

Hello loves!

It's been a while since the last time I wrote... It's harder to stick to resolutions than I thought haha! So some of you might have noticed (probably not) that I've changed the name to TheTrendChapter on my blog, youtube and twitter. No more MyBeautyAdventures(I liked this one) and Fashion Addict Adventures (this one not so much)... I know it's not recommended to change your name when you're only starting out, but different names on different social media platforms were pissing me off and were confusing to some of my readers/viewers. So I came up with TheTrendChapter

I like it because word 'trend' won't limit me to only beauty or only fashion. I want to write about both and now my name makes more sense. It's a part of my "upgrading" so over the next week or two expect to see new logos and banners (and please be kind while I'm changing everything because for now I'll keep old ones). I'm finally excited and ready and full of ideas! So get ready to see me often girls!

P.s. Please follow my blog on Bloglovin because I went from 85 followers to 1 again! Numbers are not that important to me but I appreciate your support!



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