Autumnal Instawall ● 12 days of #Trendmas

It's Day 1 of 12 Days of #Trendmas! How exciting is that?! It'll be a huge challenge for me but I'm willing to try. So without further ado let's talk about my Instagram.

1. 'I'm feelin' myself' - My new uniform! I fell in love with this dress the moment I saw it, as I always wanted a sequin dress (and actually planned to wear one for prom but wasn't confident enough at that time). I get soooo many compliments every time I wear it. I couldn't stop smiling the first day I wore it. One word - Beautiful!

2.  'Golden days ' - One of my favorite pictures. I was running late as always but saw this yellow pile of leaves near my house and had to stop as take a picture. And I manage to get to my train on time!

3. 'Good morning #thepotatocam' -  Quick morning selfie in the mirror... Nothing special about this one, maybe except some people though that I gained weight after I posted it. (thing is I didn't)

4. '☁️ Denim sky ☁️' - Another "artistic" shot haha! It's a #TBT picture cause I took it in October (that mom trip that I'll mention at least a 100 times in this post) with wide angle lens for Iphones. 

5. 'Shattered... #halloween#halloweenmakeup' - my annual Halloween selfie. I have this tradition that I do something crazy with my makeup each year but this year I had no idea what to do so I did this last minute easy thing. It doesn't even look that good but can't break traditions!

6. '⚫️ Monochrome ⚪️' - Took this super "artistic" picture while I was doing another project with my group from uni. For some unknown reason I fell in love with Golden Jubilee Bridges. They're just simply beautiful to me...

7. '☁️ Above the city ☁️' - Another place I wanted to visit for a while so I decided to take my mom with me. It's Sky Garden in London. Beautiful place and a must see while visiting London! 

8. 'The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime #beststageever' - back in October my mom visited me for the first time for few days. So as a treat for her and me, I took her to see this play. I wanted to go all summer, but I couldn't really justify spending money on theatre at that time. It was absolutely amazing, so if you love theatre you'll love this play! Go see it ASAP! p.s. How amazing is the stage? The whole show was filled with special effects!

9. 'OOTD #LFW' - My first London Fashion Week. I had to attend with my group from uni because we had to take pictures of Street style (that's why my twitter feed was filled with random street style pictures, good ones though). I was extremely disappointed with new location, but if you're instrested you can read all about it in my first OOTD blog post (here).

I wrote it from bottom to top. That's why it's written oddly... Sorry haha. So are you excited for Christmas? If yeah, tell me more about it! See you tomorrow!


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