10 Things To Do Over Christmas Break ● 12 days of #Trendmas

Hello! I'm almost whole day behind because of that night shift I had to do Wednesday night... Unfortunately someone has to put out Christmas sale stuff for customers and that someone is always me haha. Because I missed yesterdays post expect to see Day 4 post tonight. Yay two blog post in one day!

Now let's talk about this magical time that we like to call Christmas/Holidays. Everyone (especially kids and teens) wait for this whole year! So I decided to share my simple list of (quite obvious) things you can do over the wonderful Christmas break!

1. Watch christmas movies.
2. Don't leave bed all day.
3. Binge watch a tv show (or two).
4. Read a book.
5. Eat all your favorite comfort foods and not feel guilty about it.
6. Get motivated for the New Year.
7. Have a snowball fight (if you're lucky and have snow where you live).
8. Go for a walk in the city centre/old town or wherever you can find your city's christmas tree and christmas market.
9. Decorate your room/apartment/house with christmas lights and decorations.
10. Bake something delicious and festive!

Base picture from Tumblr (here)


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