New Aesthetic ● InstaWall

It's been a while since I did an InstaWall post, so here it is! This year I've decided to pretend that I'm one of the cool kids and make my instagram feed sort of coherent. I won't go to the extremes and do all pics in the same filter just because I believe that each picture requires different ones. Also I equally love warm, cold and b&w filters so it would be painful to stick to only one category..

1. 'The zone' - I threw my notebooks and electronics on the table at the library and was about to sit down to brainstorm ideas for future blog posts/videos as I saw an opportunity for a pretty picture so I took it...

2. #ThroughBackThursday picture.. I took it back in January in London. God I miss that place...

3. 'Balance' - I wanted to edit something but old pics seemed boring, so I did a little photoshoot for my plants haha!

4. 'Am I tumblr enough?' - What can I say... I was in a silly mood on Valantines day (I'm obviously single).

5. Last minutes in UK. Honestly I didn't want to leave and can't wait to go back!

6. 'Best day ever.' - My lovely bestfriend (BehindTheHeels) took me around London and it was awesome.

7. 'LONDONeye' - picture from the same touristy day.

8. 'Crumbs & Doilies' - I was dreaming about visiting this place since the day I bought my plane tickets (probably even before that). It was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and I saw Jemma (I was too scared to ask for a picture but fangirled on the inside soooo hard)!

9. 'MCMXCV' - aka 1995 aka a tattoo I want to get(I know I know... Super creative). It takes me forever to come up with captions for selfies! I hope I'm not the only one.. Haha!



  1. Beautiful pictures!

  2. Hey, I have nominated you to the Liebster Award tag because I think you have a very nice and inspiring blog! Check it out on my blog:

    I would love to read your answers! :)

    Lots of love <3
    Bite Boo

  3. Wow, your feed is so perfect. How can you maintain a theme, I just can't!xo

  4. Love your feed.. just wow!

    thought it would be great to nominate you for the Liebster Awards.. Please do check it out and join in :)


  5. I love the pics and your blog :) It's unique and I like that x

    1. Also I left you my link if you want you can check out my blog too :) Thanks x


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